15 Trader Joe's Sweet Treats Ranked

Whether you have a sweet tooth or not-- who doesn't enjoy the occasional sugary treat every now and again? I lean much more toward savory, but on occasion I do crave something delicious and sweet. 

To be completely forthright, I have explored a ton of Trader Joe's sweet treats, however not all of them. There's still plenty I need to explore. So by all means, if there's something you love that's not here-- by all means, comment below and tell me what you love! 

These are my top 15 favorite sweet treat I can't get enough of at Trader Joe's.

1. Hold the Cone

There's chocolate chip, chocolate and vanilla. Vanilla far surpasses the other two flavors, if you ask me. These very mini cones are just the right size when you're craving just a bit of ice cream yumminess. Mini sugar cones with a small scoop of ice cream, covered in chocolate.

I for one can't stomach large quantities of ice cream--- I can't absorb that much sugar. So being that-- I terribly missed ice cream until I discovered these! Small portion size and just the right amount without overdoing it! This I can handle! Delish!

2. Danish Kringle

The Danish Kringle is out of this world. Originating in a Wisconsin bakery, for nearly three times the price as that at Trader Joe's ($7.99), this delightful pastry is amazing and perfect to bring along on your next dinner with friends or family, having company over-- or heck, maybe you're just really snacky and want a guilt-free week! And yes, these Kringles are THAT big. 

These used to be seasonal, however now they're year round delights. The flavors change seasonally, however. For instance, currently we're in Cheesecake Kringle season. Upcoming in the fall we'll have pumpkin, then almond in the winter, then raspberry next year. Pickup yours on your next trip to Trader Joe's and you won't be disappointed. 

3. Brookie

I almost put this treat in the #1 spot, it's definitely a fan favorite, and for good reason. This brownie + cookie combination is something that hardly lasts more than a day in my house. I can devour this myself, no problem. The cookie part is just a bit cookie dough like, so it's moist, as is the delicious slightly fudgy brownie. Nom nom nom! 

4. Gone Bananas

Chocolate covered bananas slices. You'll find this treat in the frozen section. Thaw out slightly before eating, or savor  each morsel fresh out of the freezer as you would biting off a bit of popsicle. There's also chocolate covered strawberries, you'll find right next to these, however, personally these are my favorite! 

5. Triple Ginger Snaps

I was so hesitant to try these at first because I'm not a huge fan of ginger anything! I'm not a fan of gingerbread cookies, naturally flavored gingerale, etc. That said, something compelled me to try these. The color and small cookie in these tubs just looked like something I would get hooked on and devour. Sure enough, I was right. 

These have turned me on to ginger! They're bit sized spiced cookies, with chunks of ginger bits inside to give it that extra kick. Share these or hog them--- but either way, you won't be disappointed! 

6. Super Sour Scandinavian Swimmers

Either you like sour treats or you don't. Either way, Trader Joe's offers two options. Non-sour Swimmers and Sour Swimmers. I personally love the sour/sweet combination on these gummies. Just the right amount of tang. Not too much to make your mouth pucker. `They're good. I gave my friend a bag of these and she's been hooked on them ever since. 

7. Chocolate Coconut Almonds

Where do I begin? These candies have an almond at the center, then surrounded by a layer of coconut and then all covered in a thick layer of milky chocolate. The coconut is just the right amount to make it taste almost like an Almond Joy, but better!!! 

8. Raspberry & Vanilla Cream Bars

No popsicle stick, these are tricky to hold and eat, but every bit worth the effort. The small barely palm size bar is split half and half with creamy vanilla, leaving the remaining half a refreshing raspberry flavored fruit bar. The combination is just the treat you need when craving ice cream, but don't want to over do it. Want a raspberry flavored creamsicle? This is your product!! As an alternative, there's also Mango & Cream Bars that are very good as well. 

9. Mango Mango

I fell in love with these immediately. Half fruity and half yogurt/creamy flavor, yet maintains that gummy texture. These are not like gummy bears, they are far better-- and I know and love my gummy bears. They have strong mango overtones, obviously. And are super fruity and are just the right size. I can't help but devour the whole bag in one sitting. 

10. Just the Lobsters

I assumed by the look and texture these were going to taste like Swedish Fish, which I'm not a fan of-- but I was determined to try them anyway given their popularity. Low and behold, I was left pleasantly surprised. They are nothing like Swedish Fish. There's nothing like these soft and chewy gummies that have a subtle cherry flavor. These are small, $.99 cent bags and easily can and will be demolished in one sitting. 

11. Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

Ranked #2 product in 2016 (just after the Mandarin Orange Chicken), these are scrumptious treats with just the right ratio of dark chocolate to peanut butter. Trader Joe's has various peanut butter and chocolate products, this is my favorite. Breaking through the chocolate gives a crisp crunch breaking through to the creamy peanut butter center. Pick these up on your next trip, don't take my word for it. Give them a try! 

12. Ube Ice Cream (Spring)

Oh. My. Goodness. I was very skeptical about this ice cream. I mean, really? YAM flavored ice cream?? The color is very inviting, and my co-workers insisted this was a creamy and yummy treat that I'd fall in love with. Sure enough, they were right. Purple yams, known as Ube in the Phillipines-- are where they're used to make all kinds of various treats from cakes to pancakes. Trader Joe's Ube ice cream is pureed and very creamy and sweet with fruit flavors I can't quite put my finger on. I want to compare it to Black Raspberry ice cream, but I'm not sure if that's because of the color or if I'm picking up those flavors. It's got me befuddled. What I do know is it's fantastic. Comes out only during the spring season-- so keep a weathered eye out for it next spring! 

13. Ice Cream Bon Bons

These are an old and long time favorite. Chocolate cookie, topped with a glob of vanilla ice cream and then dipped in dark chocolate. What's not to love? They're so good, when I take them out of the freezer, I can hardly wait until they thaw out-- I immediately pop one in my mouth. These are bite sized and delectable. 

14. Chocolate Brooklyn Babka

Chocolate lovers who don't care about counting carbs, will love this treat. Flakey sweet bread swirled with chocolate. You can enjoy this baked good morning, noon or night. Or at least I do. It's marbled rye bread with chocolate weaved throughout. Not over powered with a punch of sugar in your face-- it's a subtle and complex, delicate sweet. Worth the calories. Enjoy!

15. Jingle Jangle Ice Cream (Winter)

The tin of Jingle Jangle used to be one of my favorite Trader Joe's products--- but I've far widened my horizons by now. Still a love of mine, but if you're a fan of Jingle Jangle, or ice cream, or both-- you'll enjoy this salty and sweet cold and creamy treat! Chunky mix of candies and pretzels, along with some Joe Joe's pieces-- you'll love every bite! 

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