
Welcome to Fearless Shopping at Trader Joe's. Some of you may be acquainted with Trader Joe's
Fearless Flyer-- which is their periodic newsletter of new and upcoming products. It's full of great tid-bits of information and new things to try. I highly suggest subscribing and/or picking up a copy when you find it at your local store. 

I have varied experience in life-- from working at Habitat for Humanity and other various nonprofits to working in the technology industry. I even started studying for a period of time to become a sommelier (a wine and spirits guru). I've served tables, worked retail, etc. I even worked for a Trader Joe's in Maryland while studying for my bachelors degree at American University.  

This also isn't my first blog. A decade or so ago I started writing about my personal weight-loss journey and continued writing through my gastric-bypass surgery. It meant a lot to walk through that journey with friends and family, sharing my experience with others. From that, I was able to connect with others seeking to undergo the surgery and offer assistance while they went through that process. It was an empowering journey. 

Now, I work at a Trader Joe's in Connecticut. It's the best job I've ever had, and that's saying something. I work with a phenomenal team and it's truly a joyous place. I hope to be there for a very long time. They treat us very well. 

That said, I've been a customer for far longer than my employment-- and as a customer and fan of Trader Joe's, it's my plan to share with readers my exploration through my ongoing try-and-buy experiences. There will be product reviews, news and recipes to share-- tons galore. I love learning new things as I go, and often also learn from my customers as well. 

I often find customers will walk in and go for the same items they typically purchase and know well. I used to do the same. What's fun is sharing new ideas and product finds--- helping others get creative with their shops and meal time prep! Some will see interesting and delicious looking items and wonder, "Well, that looks good-- but what would I do with it?" Or, "How would I use this?" That's what I'm here for! 

Feel free to ask questions, make suggestions, comments, concerns and disagreements. All feedback is appreciated. I'm an honest, open and passionate blogger-- you can always expect that from me.  

Are you busy and need quick meal ideas? Are you lacking creativity in the kitchen and looking to mix things up? Or even for those feeling a little ambitious in the kitchen--- 

This blog is for you! I am here for you. 

I look forward to our journey together and hearing from you as we go. 

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